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Python For Engineers CST 445 KTU Open Elective Notes S7 - Dr Binu V P 9847390760

About Me About the Course and Syllabus Model Question Paper Python For Engineers CST 445 University Question Paper- Python For Engineers CST 445 -Jan 2023 University Question Paper- Python For Engineers CST 445 -May 2023 ( supl) University Question Paper- Python For Engineers CST 445- Jan 2024  University Question Paper-Python For Engineers CST 445- June 2024(supl) Module 1:Basics of Python  1.Introduction to Python 2.Running Python Program- IDLE,Interactive Shell, Jupyter notebook 3.Identifiers, variables and keywords 4.Basic Python data types- numbers and strings, type conversion 5.Operators 6.Operator precedence and expression evaluation 7.Input and output- input() and print() 8.Built-in functions, modules and packages 9.The software development process 10.Simple programs to begin with, comments and statements 11.Basic Programs to try 12.Programs using built-in functions and modules 13.Sample Programs ( contact) Control statements  14.Selection statement -if else- sample programs 15

Model Question Paper CST 445 KTU Python For Engineers

  APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY SEVENTH SEMESTER B.TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION, MONTH & YEAR Course Code: CST445                                              Course name : PYTHON FOR ENGINEERS Max Marks: 100                                                                                                               Duration: 3 Hours PART-A (Answer All Questions. Each question carries 3 marks) 1. Explain the basic data types available in Python, with examples. 2. Write a Python program to reverse a number and also find the sum of digits of the number.Prompt the user for input. 3. Compare tuples, lists, and dictionaries. 4. Explain the concept of scope and lifetime of variables in Python programming language, with a suitable example. 5. What is polymorphism? Give an example in the context of OOP in Python. 6. How is exception handling accomplished in Python programs? 7. Describe the characteristics of the CSV format. 8. Plot the function y = 3x^2 for −1 ≤ x ≤ 3 as a continuou

University Question Papers and Scheme CST 445 Python For Engineers